Compressor and Pumps Series

Compressor and Pumps Series


This is the a collection of the compressor and pump series of manuals that include manuals E-1, Part A and B, E-2, E-3, E-4 and E-5. Manuals are shipped inserted into a three ring binder.

E-1A: Centrifugal Compressors Part 1 and Part 2

E-2: Piston Type Compressors

E-4: Centrifugal Pumps

E-5: Gas Engines

This series provides the operator with the complete set of manuals related to rotating equipment for compressing gases and pumping liquids used in the oil field and in plant operations.

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Compressors, Pumps & Gas Engines Series - Knowledge Validation Test

The Compressors, Pumps and Gas Engines Series  Knowledge Validation Test provides the answers to both USCS and SI unit validation test questions in the manuals for self-grading or for supervisor to grade test of employees.  Also included scoring information. Test answers in pdf format will be emailed.

Alternatively, PLP will review and score completed test. Contact PLP for pricing.

An experienced PLP instructor can travel to your site to lead a classroom training program. Contact PLP for more information.