P-10: Amine Gas Treating

P-10: Amine Gas Treating


Includes three sections:

  • Section 1: Amine Sweetening Process

  • Section 2: Contactor in Amine Sweetening Plant

  •  Section 3: Stripper in Sweetening Process

 Section 1 - Amine Sweetening Process

This section describes the principles of natural gas sweetening (sour gas removal) with an amine type chemical solution.

Covered Subjects:

Principles of natural gas sweetening with amine type chemicals

The process flow in a gas sweetening (sour gas removal) plant

Types of amines in gas treating: MDEA, MEA, DEA, DGA, and Sulfinol and their appropriate applications

Principles of H2S and CO2 removal by an amine chemical

Effects on the acid gas removal of temperature, pressure, amine purity and gas flow rate

Process of stripping acid gas from the rich solution

Methods of corrosion measurement and control

Procedures for start-up, shutdown and for operating at the most effective and efficient conditions

Procedures for troubleshooting foaming, high acid gas in treated gas, and high reboiler heat input


Section 2 - Contactor in Amine Sweetening Plant

This section describes the equipment and operating procedures of an amine treating contactor tower.

Covered Subjects:

Contactor tower types; trayed and packed

Temperature rise due to the heat of reaction between acid gas and amine

Operating procedures, and procedures for plant start up and shut down

Control points: lean amine temperature, solution flow and level control of inlet separator and contactor.

 Troubleshooting procedures for foaming, carryover, corrosion and excessive acid gas

 Section 3 - Stripper in Sweetening Process

This section includes a description of equipment and procedures to operate and troubleshoot the amine stripper unit.

Covered Subjects:

Principles of stripping

Stripper unit component equipment description: reflux accumulator and reboiler

Stripper process flow diagrams

 Effect of temperature and stripping steam for different types of amines

Procedures for start-up, shutdown

Troubleshooting procedures for foaming, reboiler heat shortage, and high acid gas residual content of lean amine

  • Both Metric and English units of measurement are used so students can work in units with which they are familiar.

  • Questions and problems are included throughout the manuals with answers in the back that allow students to check their understanding of the subject.

  • Comprehensive knowledge assessment tests are included at the end of each section.

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Gas Sweetening Series -Knowledge Validation Test

The Gas Sweetening Series Knowledge Validation Test provides the answers to both USCS and SI unit validation test questions in the manuals for self-grading or for supervisor to grade test of employees.  Also included scoring information. Test answers in pdf format will be emailed.

Alternatively, PLP will review and score completed test. Contact PLP for pricing.

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